Part 14: HAHAHAHAHA *puke*

Sunday, August 11, 2002. ~4:00 AM


...oh gaaahhhwd.



Where the hell am I?


Seriously, where is this?  It's totally dark, and everything's spinning.  Where...

Oh.  Right.  TheRedEye's hotel room.

Haha, man, what a night.  How much did I have to drink, anyway?  There were at least four full cups of vodka - Jesus, dude, cups - a Black Rat, and a whole lot of boxed wine...possibly four or five cupfuls of the stuff.

Mmm, feelin' kinda nice here.  Kind of a warm feeling.

Wow, am I in a chair?  How did I get to sleep on this thing?

It's completely dark in here.  I can't even see the hand in front of my face.  Wait, yes I can.  Except it's all blurry and shit.  The only light coming into the room is from the window and the neon lights outside.


Woo, good times, man, good times.  Much fun.

Hah!  It's really neat how the room is spinning like this.

Seems like it's spinning faster and faster and faster and...

...oh God.

No, man, you have to hold this stuff down.  You have to.  You'll be less of a man if you don't.  Just think of what TheRedEye would say.

...uurrgh, well, just think of what he'd say if you puked all over yourself in the chair in his bedroom.

Okay, this isn't going to work.  This stuff is coming back up, and it's coming up NOW.  Quit trying to talk yourself into not barfing and get to that bathroom.  Stand up.  Whoooaaa, hey.  Hold onto something.  Right.  Okay.  Just stay calm.  Let your eyes adjust to the darkness.  No, no time for that.  Must rush to bathroom.  Ow, ow, table.  Shit.  Running...okay, there's the wall.  Owww.  Bathroom!  Good!  Kneel down.  Put face over toilet.  You made it.  Congratulations.


Well, that was unpleasant.

...wait, wait, there's more.


Oooohhhh.  Never again.  NEVER AGAIN.  Oh god here comes...

...more.  Argh.  Better take off my glasses.  I'm filling up the toilet with this stuff, and some splashover is starting to happen.


All right, I think that's it.  Thank God it's over.  I'm just going to lay down on the bathroom floor here and rest for a...

...wait, there's a little more.


Wow, I really wish I had gotten that one in the toilet.  Yuck.  Oh well, not my problem.  Anyway, I think I'm done here, so I'll just stand up on these shaky legs, wobble towards that chair, and collapse on it and instantly pass out.


...not again.  Please lord, not again...

Oh no, here we gooooo...

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